Oct 23, 2024 from 7-9PM at Slice of Life Gallery (Vancouver, BC)
Event description: In this "Mask-ulinity Workshop" we will make masks while discussing masculinity. Our masks will be representations of our male-alter egos, toxic masculinity, or anything else that inspires us to consider the masks men wear. I will have a follow-along mask-making guide and people are encouraged to make their own mask-making choices. Basic supplies will be available including a mask base, paints, brushes, and accessories. People are free to also bring their own supplies in addition to what's provided. This is a safe space to talk about masculinity, heal, laugh, and play through mask-making. All genders are welcome.

Throughout the workshop we discussed our positive and negative relationships to masculinity, masking, and our own identities. We bonded over shared experiences, made new friendships, and created objects that will move with us throughout the world, holding the memories of this night in our masks.

I'm looking forward to doing more Mask-ulinity Workshops in the future!